Award of Excellence, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, IESNA, Boston, United-States
For the Jacques Cartier Bridge in collaboration with Moment Factory, Ombrages-Éclairage-Public, Ambiances Design Productions, Atomic3, Lucion Média, UDO Design, Réalisations, Montreal, Canada
Icône architecturale monumentale, le pont Jacques-Cartier possède désormais une signature lumineuse incontournable dans le paysage de Montréal. Inaugurée lors du 150e anniversaire de la Conférération du Canada et du 375e anniversaire de Montréal, l’illumination du pont est un symbole de la créativité montréalaise. Le pont est le premier au monde à être interconnecté grâce aux possibilités d’interactivité et de programmation. Utilisant les technologies les plus avancées en matière d’éclairage, les scénographies lumineuses rythment au poulx des saisons, de la circulation et des festivités.
For the design and realization of this monumental and innovative project, several companies collaborated together. The Ombrages Group participated in the development of the overall concept, the design, and the implementation of the lighting of the “heart” of the structure. The firm collaborated on the preliminary design, detailed design and implementation follow-up phases. Its engineering division conducted the technical and regulatory feasibility study, as well as the detailed design of the technical aspects (lighting equipment, electrical connections, control system, fasteners, etc.). The team also provided support to engineers during the production of plans and specifications, and site supervision.