Professional area2019-02-20T16:06:40+00:00


Whether you are a company in the commercial, hospitality, industrial, or healthcare industries, lighting plays a unique and important role in your business. Commercial business’ rely on brand image, and lighting for this can be very important. Hospitality business’ needs particular attention given to interior and exterior architectural lighting. Industrial industries demand lighting be tuned to support the safety and the visual comfort of staff and occupants.
In all these environments, creating the appropriate lighting for staff and customers is the ultimate goal, and this demands strategic consideration for how lighting is applied for both the daytime and nighttime environments.


Cities and urban communities are currently facing significant challenges in renewing their lighting. The complexity of the needs and stakes such as new technologies, new management tools, energy saving and environment, lead us to rethink the approaches to lighting, but the quality of urban atmospheres and living environments remains a cities’ main concern.
The expertise of lighting professionals specialized in urban lighting will allow you to meet the diversity of challenges; be it safety, functionality, aesthetic or event lighting.


Every type of space, be it an economic, social, cultural, political or religious institution, has its own vocation and concerns. The lighting of your premises, or the illumination of your structure or establishment play an important role in the recognition of your organization and must reflect an image worthy of the values that you represent. This holds true whether you’re presence is local, national or international institutions, small or major structures.
To this point, we have experience in scale and have had the opportunity to work with many institutions such as the Olympic Games Committee and the Government of Canada, among others.


From the creation of residential neighborhoods to the revitalization of entire sectors, through the development of commercial streets, buildings, multifunctional residences, the quality of the living environment is essential. The interior and exterior lighting of these real estate developments plays a crucial role in creating comfortable living environments, adapted to the variety of needs and activities.
New lighting technologies offer multiple possibilities: intelligent and dynamic lighting, programming and interconnectivity, reducing energy consumption, improved comfort, changing atmospheres, etc. Functional, aesthetic or fun, lighting can greatly improve the design quality of spaces created.


Road lighting and infrastructure represent a unique opportunity for lighting interventions. Many issues need to be taken into account, be it in terms of energy saving, traffic safety (road, bicycle, pedestrian), the feeling of safety, the special needs of the local population, or the environment and light pollution. Considerations must also be taken for the implementation of new technologies that are on the agenda and the potential for connectivity with the network through the Internet of Things (IoT).
Lighting furniture is also an important visual element during night-time, as well as day-time. Roads are a part of the city landscape, so it is important to consider the function as well as the visual quality of this lighting and the aesthetic of the lighting furniture.